Welcome to
Bamboo in the Wind Zen Center
Meeting everything that arises with a warm heart and an open mind
Starting a Sitting Practice
We invite you to join us on Tuesday evenings when we offer New Member Zen Meditation instruction on from 7:00 - 7:25 pm. If that time does not work for you, please contact us for an appointment.
Come and experience the warmth and the compassion of Bodhisattavas on the path.
In order to meet the needs of our members, we have created a hybrid Sangha in the heart of Sunnyvale. Our programs are offered online and in-person. Check out our Tuesday evening program, Thursday morning sitting and our monthly sittings.
Tuesday Evening Talks
We invite you to participate in Dharma talks with guest teachers or way seeking mind talks. These are presented weekly. Contact us to sign up.
You can view past Dharma Talks on our blog.