Board of Directors

  • Max Kaehn

    Max Kaehn has been practicing Zen at Bamboo in the Wind since 2010. He writes software by day and tabletop roleplaying games by night, and his cats are regulars on the sangha’s online meetings.

  • Draupadi Green

    Draupadi Green began practicing at Bamboo in the Wind in 2013. She enjoys yoga, drawing, and watercolor painting.

  • Don Clark

    Don Clark has been active in religious studies before the start of the millennium. He began Zen practice as a student of Reverend Val in 2002 and with continued guidance of Reverend Val has embraced studies in Ch’an and Zen in the West. Don volunteers at other non-profits as a STEM mentor and program facilitator supporting minority youth as well as a board member.

  • Cindy Chock